
Create meaningful interactions

Use LINE to engage with LINE friends through personalized messaging, surveys, and more.

Are you struggling to retain customers?

Several factors influence retention rates and we have all the tools you need ready.

Understand member interactions

Grasp the latest brand engagement trends
Categorize members based on their activity from most to least active.
Target most active members with LINE referral campaign
Drive customer base growth through their brand loyalty, all while rewarding them with incentives.
Target least active members with gamification
Reengage their interest through a game and reward them with incentives to inspire their purchases.

Provide the best in class experience on LINE OA

Auto personalize rich menus
  • Customize rich menus based on segments such as product category interests, gender, or age groups.
  • Tailor rich menus exclusively for the member-only segment.
Target the right customers
  • Segment customers by product interests to offer the right offerings.
  • Use AI smart scheduling to send messages at the perfect moment.
  • Track open rates, click-through rates, and revenue for every broadcast.
Target with automated messaging
  • Activate automated messagings by tags, page views, cart abandonment, and purchase behavior.
  • Auto prompts customers to reorder or complete their cart checkout.
  • Track open rates, click-through rates, and associated revenue for every broadcast.

See other features

Reach a broader audience, run targeted campaigns, and watch your customer base grow.
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Personalize marketing and data-driven decisions enhance the customer experience.
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Optimize your LINE strategy for higher sales and ROI.
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